Sunday, March 6, 2011

toxic relationships

We all have an opportunity to develope relationships, sometimes within our own families, that tend to be toxic.  Relationships where there is more tension that peace. Relationships where we find ourselves catering to anothers emotional rollercoaster or mood swings, or just pain demanding nature.
What I realise is that though there are so many people we will cross paths with, though there are so many that we can connect with and that we find ourselves entangled with.  This does not mean it is best to act on these opportunities and be close in these connections.
I am not saying we close the door on those who need a friend, or on those whom we are bound to love through family ties.  I am saying evaluate where your energy is expended in relationships.  Look at how much goes into keeping stability or peace in some, how much is a one-sided effort.  Look and evaluate where you are meant to exhaust your resources or your resources will be sucked away without your realization.
If we take our connections and responsibilities seriously we will want to be faithful in our prioritizing and sharing of our lives as this too is something given to us and entrusted to us to use to it's fullest.
If you have people, or even family menbers in your life that seem to take so much that you have much little left, maybe it is time to see if your giving has been really of anyones benefit and re-direct your focus to another area.
As you evaluate relationships in your own life you can use a similar excercize as the one we did for evaluating your activities.  Take a paper and draw a line down the center- on one side write what you give in a relationship you have in mund.  On the other side list what the other person or people give, and/or areas you have seen them actually benefit or growth from your giving.
As you review this, are you seeing any need to restructure your give and take?
I know there could be underlying issues in our lives that make facing this let alone dealing with this so very difficult.  Please pray for strength to do what you need and get the support of friends as you need to carry through with these changes.  They may be difficult, but oh so rewarding.
On another note, I made some really cool dishtowels today using repurposing skills. I used a cotton tablecloth for the main towel structure then some cool fabric scraps from other products for embelleshment.  I had found this cream colored table cloth on a sale table in a store since it had a clight mark on it.  This project made great use of an otherwise trashed object.
I will post a pick of the towels when I am back on, I think they came out pretty  cool!
take care all,