Friday, June 23, 2017

Fault Finding

The blame game.  We all can get quite good at that one.  It is an ancient characteristic ingrained in humanity to look for someone to blame other than ourselves.  It has happened in monumental situations that have changed the course of history, and it happens in everyday life as young as those toddler years when we use shifting blame to get out of punishment or responsibility.
I know this quote is from Dave Ramsey; a financial advisor, but it can easily be a quote used to coach someone in most other areas of life as well.

Do we like to search for where we went wrong, for the root cause of a season of struggle we have been in for way too long?  Isn't it easier to just complain about the difficulty and focus on the pain or mess we are in rather than actually do what this quote is saying? How often we like to think we get to the source of our fault in a manner where we deceive ourselves into thinking the fault we have actually stems from another person's action towards us.  We can entirely miss actual reality and create our own version of the story we are living out.  We can run along thinking we are so productive, and so together, yet we could miss the actual point that would change our course and put us in a position to in fact become truly productive and definitely more put together.

Today I write these words wondering where am I at financially, relationally, emotionally and intellectually.   Have I followed a pattern in any of these areas of life that if I take a moment to look over time; I can see some unhealthy choices or mistaken steps that have been my fault and how these actions have created a pattern in my life?

Financially - Can I see spending or saving patterns that I could possibly change?  Do I see an inner view of finances that has actually stunted me from growing in financial security?  Am I taking responsibility for my actions, or lack of action, that may be creating a stagnant financial situation in my life?

Relationally - Are there people in my history that were not the best fit for my life yet I chose to connect or interweave our lives together?  If I look over time can I see a pattern of this type of person repeat itself in my friendships?  In my partnerships?  I my employment choices?

Emotionally - Can I look over my life and see how I have handled events emotionally; have I developed and grown, or have I deteriorated and flailed in the midst of life's bumps and turns?  Who do I turn to for emotional support?  To whom do I give emotional support?  Where do I seek emotional instruction and development?

Intellectually - Do I see the pattern of growth in my intellect over my life?  Have a continued to seek knowledge and understanding as I have grown? Or did I quit a long time ago and wallow in unintelligent circles where there was no challenge to my thoughts or skills?  Do I understand my worth and see my value to others around me and this world in general?

When we were children we were taught to look for patterns in early elementary school. They say understanding how to look for patterns helps a child find a sense of order in everyday life.  Have you continued to look for patterns as you have grown up, or have you become dull and unaware of patterns right before your eyes?  I encourage you to look for current patterns, but as I mentioned earlier, look for those past patterns that may be able to give you insight as to where you may have misdirected your travels.  Be brave and willing to alter your course.

Know that as we see where we have continued in the wrong direction there is still hope to find our way- all we have to do is redirect our steps as we recognize the need to do so.  If your life were a giant maze and you realized going down a certain hall over and over you only hit a wall, then you would chose a different hall to see if you could find the path that led you out to freedom.

Now if you had no idea you were in this maze you may just repeatedly go down that same hall because it was familiar and you felt safe doing so, but you would never get out of the maze and achieve the final freedom.  Today you are aware of the need to reevaluate and steer the course of your life with responsibility. You are aware of the maze.  Embrace this moment to actually gain footing and choose your path.

May these words find you encouraged, and challenged today and in the life-filled days ahead.


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