Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Stories, thoughts and bedtime tales

My husband and I were tossing story ideas around, it got quite amusing when we tossed around the thought of a plot where the people came to realize the flamboyant televangelists were in reality vampires in disguise.  Oh my, the roads you could travel developing a story on this premise.

Yesterday I was thinking of the way I tell my grandchildren some familiar old tales but I give them my own twist, like The Three Bears and how in the end they never wanted to harm Goldilocks.  I actually closed my tale with them all having tea and cakes in front of a cozy fire and the bears giving her a lovely place to live with them.  As I was thinking of these story times with the kids I realized I probably should write some of these stories down to save for as they grow older.  I can't always remember the twists and turns to my versions, and the children often remind me of that, but I would love to give them the best memories in print.

There is one tale I had been musing over with a modern premise, The Three Little Pigs.  I thought what if we modernize it a little with building materials being a pallet house, a container home, and an earth house made of mud and tires built sturdily into a mountainside. The big bad wolf would actually be a building inspector who wanted to ruin the pigs plans of attempting to live off the grid. Then I realized, the tale I had been telling them these past several years would amuse them more and this tale I was spinning was more humorous to me as an adult.

Finally I was attempting to recall a story I made up one night to tell my eldest granddaughter and her brother before bed several years ago.  It was spur of the moment, but it actually held my grandchildren in total silence.  My daughter in law was even captive listening in the hallway as well, unbeknownst to me.  It began as a tale of a young woman who lived in a castle in the clouds, her name was Splendina.  This castle was made of sugar cubes and the clouds of cotton candy, and Splendina loved to sprinkle thoughts of love and joy and sharing over the children below by means of a special pixie dust.  It was quite lengthy and full of things I really wish I could remember because it absolutely mesmerized those kiddos.  I have been asked by my granddaughter if I can remember the story like then and tell it again, and she is now 11 years old already, but much of the colorful details are gone forever.

This is why I must write, there are thoughts in my head, words in my journals over the years, stories I've told that I want to give.  I want to relive the joy, the sorrow, the awakening, the inspiration of those notions I have held.  This is why I am choosing now to veritably write.  I want to pour my heart into the pages.  I want to leave something for our generations to come to read and feel my connection with them, and be inspired.

So today I will take time, I will remember, and I will create fresh new thoughts and put them into paper and cover and produce bits and pieces of me, this is an exciting adventure that has actually been unfolding for quite some time.  And I always enjoy a good adventure!

...with thoughts and words that bring you life,


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