Tuesday, June 13, 2017

How do you know if it's your time for a big move?

I was sitting here thinking about our 3 year anniversary coming up.  Three years ago we relocated in a big way.  This was all part of a process I have written about in previous posts.

Today I was just thinking about a list of questions that would have probably helped me either jump start our move better, or aid in defining our goals sooner rather than later from our haphazard steps we took at times.

I thought, just for fun, I would love to prompt you into thinking by posting these questions.  I hope they help you if you actually have some prompting inching it's way into your conscious thought. If you want to define those impressions and identify what's happening in your journey maybe this can help with that as well.

1.How can you know when you need to make a big move?
Are there circumstances that seem to be closing in around you and creating a need for change, in work, housing, social contacts or even physical climate?

2.What are the signs that you may be needing a change?
Do you find yourself restless, irritated, listlessly thinking of other places or lifestyles?

3.If I could be anywhere else, where would I really like to be, and why?
Do you think this way?  Have you ever read about or visited some place and longed to be there instead of your current home?  Have you found any of those quizzes on the internet to find your ideal location and actually took them? Repeatedly?

4.Have you become stagnant where you are, not seeing any opportunity for growth or change in your personal, professional, educational or social life?

5.Do you feel like your recent season of life has been wearing on you rather than invigorating you and it may be time to take on a challenge and seek adventure?

6. If you were able to start over with coworkers, neighbors, friends and acquaintances; what could you look for in people and how could you better present or define your best self?

When we decided to make this big move we had various events prompt us into knowing it was the right time.

  • My husband had been laid off and gone through 6 months of no work possibilities.  
  • Our children were all out of our home at once finally and we were actually in a good place to separate ourselves from them a little and give them a chance to blossom.  
  • We felt there was some purpose and intention for us as well as those we would meet in starting in a new community and new place to live work and worship.
  • It was an excellent market time to sell our house.  We made a nice profit off the swift sale.
  • We came to see the connection between the humidity and barometric pressure of our home town location was definitely the culprit for my many migraines and health issues at that time.  
  • We had a nice chunk in our retirement and after the house sale that would be perfect to use for relocation.
  • Almost suddenly we became keenly aware of our interest and actual longing for the southwest that had been growing over years, this was it, we knew we were intended to head west!

Well, there you have it.  Some of the squirming you may feel when you read these thoughts may be because you would never feel like this relocation adventure would ever be for you & yours....or is it?

Here's to getting uncomfortable, evaluating the current, and stepping into the possibilities ahead.

Enjoy your thought process, and share if you want- I would love to hear some feedback or questions.

Sleep well my friends,

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